We can't believe that we haven't come across this before, given our main office's location just south of Chicago, but we were recently pointed to Beauty Turner's Ghetto Bus Tours in Chicago. Ms. Turner is the assistant editor of the public housing newspaper Resident's Journal and has been leading such tours since 1999. This NPR interview discusses the audience for the tours, the perceptions of those living in the housing projects and the policies that are leading to the relocation of residents in Chicago's public housing in some very disturbing ways.
For more info on the ongoing housing war in Chicago check out the friction institute.
top image from Stacie Freudenberg, AP
Beauty's Ghetto Bus Tours
Beauty's famous "Ghetto Bus Tours" is designed to give a voice to the voiceless. Much to often doing Chicago Housing Authority 1.6 billion dollars Plan for Transformation you hear from Professors, Sociologists, Academics, city officials, politicians and never hear from the ones that it is affecting the most which is the residents from public housing. the only valid voices in the plan!
Ms. Beauty Turner
National Award Winning Journalist / Activist / Ground Breaking Researcher concerning the Chicago Housing Authority Transformation Plan
International Coverage of Beauty's Ghetto Bus Tours
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Beauty’s Ghetto Bus Tours
Beauty Turner has received International Media Coverage
Recent press shows about Ms. Beauty Turner activities. Please link to the following Web sites to learn more about Beauty’s Ghetto bus tours, reporting and civic participation:
Associated Press reports on Beauty's Ghetto bus tours.
National Public Radio features Beauty's Ghetto Bus Tours in a report on changes in CHA.
Residents' Journal Assistant Editor Beauty Turner on NPR's "News and Notes."
The Chicago Sun-Times joins the bus tour.
The Sun-Times publishes a follow-up story about Carol Wallace.
ChiTown Daily News also has a story about the bus tour.
Chicago public housing high rises were internationally infamous, Now they are almost gone!
Come out and explore this issue with POOR PEOPLE MILLENNIUM MOVEMENT founder Ms. Beauty Turner.
A National Award winning writer and fighter for the people.
A tireless fighter and writer against injustice will take you behind the walls of public housing so that you can hear the residents who by far are the most valid voices concerning the impacts on their lives
While going through Chicago Housing Authority 1.6 Billions dollars Transformation PLan
Beauty Turner has received international fame with her "Ghetto Bus tours"
Greatest History Ever Told To Our People Bus Tours.
Every body on the planet has been telling our stories such as Professors, Sociologists, Academic, film makers,city officials, politicians, but the most valid voices that are being affected the most and that is the voice of the voiceless-The residents themselves. Learn from an expert! At the end of the tour you will visit Turners Ghetto Gallery which holds a unique display of photos, memories and artifacts.
Schedule your tour today! Call Ms. Turner@ (773) 297 - 5619 or (773) 924 - 9590 or E-mail me at beautyturner@gmail.com
Blog Archive
▼ 2008 (2)
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"Important notice"
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Poor People Millennium Movement Mission
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Beauty's Ghetto Bus Tours Schedules
► November (1)
Beauty's Ghetto Bus Tours updated schedules
About Me
Beauty Turner Chicago, cook, Illinois, United States Minor Outlying Islands
Beauty Turner lived in the Robert Taylor Homes, one of the nation's most infamous public housing high-rise for sixteen years . She once worked for RJ now serves as Assistant Editor, South Street Journal writing award-winning investigative articles and commentaries and co-directing the Advocacy and Outreach Initiative. Beauty is a well-known community activist as well as a regular columnist for the Hyde Park Herald and other community newspapers. For the last several years, Beauty has worked as a research assistant for Professor Sudhir Venkatesh, a sociologist at Columbia University. Beauty is now a National award winning Journalist recognized by her peers with the First New America Award of it kind by the National Society of Professional Journalists, also a Winner of a Studs Terkel, Peter Lisagor, Associated Press award, Chicago Association for Black Journalist award, Courageous voice award for her activism, Black Pearl award, Woman of the Century award, and a Shero award from the Empowerment Zone Committee. Turner has been feature on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, Tribune (773)297-5619 Beautyturner@gmail.com
View my complete profile
We're glad you found our post Beauty! Now we know about your blogs and will definitely be in touch to get on your tour. Check out Beauty's blogs:
A Right to Write
Locked on the Block
Ghetto Bus Tour blog
Hello sir, How are you today?
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