For those who accumulate frequent flier miles through credit cards and/or just traveling a lot, here's a great use for those excess miles. Our friends at Temporary Services, Tamms Poetry Committee, and frequent Travel Office collaborator Sarah Ross have initiated a project called Supermax Subscriptions, that connects your excess of mobility with those who have been completely stripped of the ability to move. Holders of miles are given the names and contact info for men held in Tamms and their specific requests for magazines so that gift subscriptions can be made out to them.
The project comes out of a group of people in Illinois working to abolish the state's Tamms Prison, or at least return it to the mandate that originally opened under. Tamms is a "C-Max" prison, which is a form of "supermax" facility in which its prisoners are kept in constant solitary confinement. For more info on this movement, see the Tamms Year Ten Campaign.
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